(804) 319-0364 109 Mountain Ave. #568, Malden, MA 02148 USA

Ms. Nathalie Mukadi

Nathalie N athalie Mukadi: is a senior adviser to BORAH, and also contributes in funds and skills to running of the BORAH Charity organization.


Nathalie Mukadi, was born in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), which makes her first language French. The social, economic political instability then in DRC gave her family no other choice than to move out of the country. After she graduated from high school, her family moved to Europe in 2001, and lived in France and Belgium, before moving to the United States in 2003.

Nathalie is a graduate of UMass Boston, with a degree in Biology. She worked first as a research coordinator at Massachusetts General Hospital then started working in logistics and clinical supply at one of the many private biotech company located in Boston.

She is currently works as Senior Associate in Clinical Supplies.
She is fluent in French and English.She has great interest in the medical studies and children‘s education.

Other Interests

In her free time, Nathalie serves a Sunday school teacher, a role she has been playing since 2005. One of Nathalie’s passions is dancing, a hobby she shares by teaching liturgical dance to young ladies 14 years and up. Nathalie can be seen most Sundays at church performing with her group

Nathalie Mukadi: is a senior adviser to BORAH, and also contributes in funds and skills to running of the BORAH Charity organization

Nathalie, in her own way, is helping the BORAH organization make the world a better place to live. If you wish to support in any way but cannot make full time commitment to the organization, there are many ways we can support our mission.

How You Can Support:

Below are some ways you can support the organization. Every donation in time, money or skill very much appreciated. Please contact us for available volunteer positions or items or skills you can donate.

  • Donate money to support a project of your choice or the organization in General
  • Donate items needed in some of our Projects
  • Help accommodate the Central Office
  • Volunteer at the Main Office.
  • Volunteer your skills with one of the projects
