(804) 319-0364 109 Mountain Ave. #568, Malden, MA 02148 USA

2019 January 27 Outreach to Venezuelan Refugees- People helping people

 BORAH volunteers with Venezuelan refugees in Bogota, Colombia jan 2019 On Sunday, January 27, 2019, BORAH volunteers ventured out again to donate to Venezuelan refugees in Bogota-Colombia. Many people with good hearts have contributed to this noble cause here in Bogota ….

Many people with good hearts have contributed to this noble cause here in Bogota … !

Items given out include:

  • Personal grooming kit such as:.
  • bath soap. .
  • Toilet paper . .
  • Shaving blades .
  • Shampoo. Colgate. .
  • Dental brush. Hygienic towels..
  • Disposable baby diapers. .
  • Wet baby wipes. .
  • Also meals like: .
  • bread .
  • Liquid oatmeal Cookies. .
  • Papitas. .
  • Used Clothes and footwear in good condition.


 Venezuelan refugees in Bogota, Colombia
Some Refugees / Algunos Refugiados

We prayed for everyone present and for Venezuela and for each deceased relative of those present, and in the struggle for the freedom of Venezuela. . .

Cash was given to a young man present to send itto her mother who is very sick in Venezuela because he does not have enough to not have a job or Colombian papers.

We are very grateful to Borah for her great support and also to Sabiduria Adio, and other donors. Our sincere thanks Nasly Viloria De Arco , Jolber Payares Iriarte and other Borah volunteers. They send messages of Light and Hope in the face of adversities.

With God, everything is possible.

“We unite the world with Love”





Report in Spanish/ informe el Español

Siendo el dia domingo 27 de enero del 2019 el voluntariado de BORAH realiza nuevamente donaciones a Venezolanos refugiados en Bogota-Colombia. A esta noble causa se han unido personas de buen corazon aca en Bogota. .

A esta noble causa se han unido personas de buen corazon aca en Bogota.

Se les hizo entrega de lo siguiente:

  • Kit de aseo personal como:
  • jabon de baño
  • Papel higienico .
  • Cuchillas de afeitar.
  • Champu.
  • Colgate.
  • Cepillo dental.
  • toallas higienicas.
  • Pañales desechables de bebes.
  • Toallitas humedas de bebe.
  • Tambien comidas como:
  • pan
  • Avena liquida.
  • Galletas.
  • Papitas.
  • Ropas y calzados usados en buen estado.

Hicimos oracion por cada cada uno presentes y por Venezuela y por cada familiar fallecido de los presentes en lucha por la libertad de venezuela.

Se entrego dinero en efectivo a paticion de un joven presente para mandarlo a su mama que esta muy enferma en venezuela ya que el no alcanza a tener lo suficiente por no tener un trabajo ni papeles colombianos.

Ellos muy agradecidos a Borah por su gran apoyo, a Wisdom, y a al Dt. Zoggyieh Haakayor, y voluntarios de Borah en Bogota ( Nasly Viloria De Arco y Jolber Psyares Iriarte). Les hacen llegar mensajes de Luz y Esperanza ante las adversidades.

Con Dios todo es posible.

Unimos al mundo con Amor”


BORAH Colombia Outreach Team
BORAH Donated Items

With the assistance of BORAH Charity a story of HOPE is unfolding.

How can you help create a story of HOPE ?

  • Donate to our mission
  • Volunteer to assist in one of our projects
  • Sponsor a case that touches your heart
  • Contact our Office for areas where help is needed

To donate specifically to this cause ( assistance to Venezuelan refugees in Colombia) please click on the “donate” button below:

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