(804) 319-0364 109 Mountain Ave. #568, Malden, MA 02148 USA

2018 October 7th Outreach to Venezuelan Refugees- People helping people

On Sunday, October 7, 2018, BORAH charity volunteers mage their second round of donations to Venezuelan refugess in Bogota,Colombia. Nasly Del Carmen Viloria de Arco reports:
On Sunday, October 7, 2018, the second outreach donation was made to Venezuelan refugees in Colombia in the vicinity of the Bogota transport terminal. Our team of volunteers gave them hot chocolate with sandwich, and clothes that were donated by Sal y Luz a Las Naciones, a Christian Church that has joined this great noble cause to assist those who have lost everything.

Our team of volunteers gave them hot chocolate with sandwich, and clothes that were donated by Sal y Luz a Las Naciones, a Christian Church that has joined this great noble cause to assist those who have lost everything … !

Our experience that day revealed to us that more Venezuelans continue to arrive in Colombia without knowing where to spend the night, how to find food, and other similar things. With sad faces.

 Venezuelan refugees in Bogota, Colombia That is why our representative in Colombia, Nasly, in addition to making donations, carries the Light and hope of BORAH.

Thanks to God, to Borah, Adio and the whole team of volunteers. . .

“We unite the world with Love”

Report in Spanish

El dia domingo 7 de octubre del 2018 se llevo a cabo la segunda Jornada de donacion a Venezolanos refugiados en Colombia ubicados en alrededores del terminal de transporte en Bogota. Nurestro equipo de voluntarios les hizo entrega de chocolate caliente con sandwich y ropas que fueron donadas por Sal y Luz a las Naciones , una Iglesia Cristiana quien se ha unido a esta gran noble causa para los que han perdido todo.

Nurestro equipo de voluntarios les hizo entrega de chocolate caliente con sandwich y ropas que fueron donadas por Sal y Luz a las Naciones , una Iglesia Cristiana quien se ha unido a esta gran noble causa

. La experiencia vivida ese dia nos encotramos que siguen llegando mas venezolanos a Colombia sin saber a donde pasar la noche. Como alimentarse y otras cosas mas. Con rostros tristes. Es por eso que su representante en Colombia Nasly ademas de hacerles llegar donaciones lleva la Luz y esperanza de BORAH. Unimos al mundo con amor. Agradecidos a Dios. A Borah . Adio y todo el equipo voluntario..

“Unimos al mundo con Amor”

With the assistance of BORAH Charity a story of HOPE is unfolding.

How can you help create a story of HOPE ?

  • Donate to our mission
  • Volunteer to assist in one of our projects
  • Sponsor a case that touches your heart
  • Contact our Office for areas where help is needed

To donate specifically to this cause ( assistance to Venezuelan refugees in Colombia) please click on the “donate” button below: