(804) 319-0364 109 Mountain Ave. #568, Malden, MA 02148 USA

2018 October 28 Outreach to Venezuelan Refugees- People helping people

On Sunday, October 28, 2018, the BORAH charitable organization again with its volunteers in Bogota – Colombia (Nasly, Miriam and Jolber) showed up at the outer section of the Salitre Terminal in Bogota to share their message of love, spiritual support and give some light of hope to the refugees from Venezuela…..

Every day many people arrive from there( Venezuela) leaving their houses and relatives, looking for ways to survive in an unknown country. … !

Every day many people arrive from there( Venezuela) leaving their houses and relatives, looking for ways to survive in an unknown country. The BORAH charity organization provides them with meals, used clothes and shoes in good condition..

 Venezuelan refugees in Bogota, Colombia
Many people arrive daily/ Cada dia llegan numerosas personas

Today we are reaching out to all the good people out there, appealing to them to join this great and noble cause, so we will able to provide many more things. . .

Our sincere thanks to the Christian Church “Sal y Luz a las Naciones that has joined this great work by generously donating items. We are also grateful to Borah, Wisdom, Dr. Zoggyieh Haakayor and to the volunteer team of Colombia (Nasly Viloria, Miriam De Arco and Jolber Iriarte) for their service of love.

“We unite the world with Love”

Report in Spanish/ informe el Español

El dia domingo 28 de octubre del 2018 – La organización caritativa BORAH nuevamente con su voluntariado en Bogota – Colombia (Nasly, Miriam y Jolber) se presentan en la parte externa del Terminal Salitre en Bogota para llevarles mensaje de amor, apoyo espiritual y luz de esperanza a los venezolanos refugiados en Colombia. .

Cada dia llegan numerosas personas de alla (venezuela) dejando casas y familiares, buscando de sobrevivir en un pais desconocido.

Cada dia llegan numerosas personas de alla (venezuela) dejando casas y familiares, buscando de sobrevivir en un pais desconocido. La organización caritativa BORAH les dona comidas, ropas usadas y calzados en buen estado

Cabe felicitar a la Iglesia Cristiana “ Sal y Luz a las Naciones” que se ha unido a esta gran labor. Muy agradecidos a Dios, a Borah , Wisdom , al Dt. Zoggyieh Haakayor y al equipo voluntario de Colombia (Nasly Viloria. Miriam De arco y Jolber Iriarte).

“Unimos al mundo con Amor”


BORAH Colombia Outreach Team
BORAH Colombia Outreach Team

With the assistance of BORAH Charity a story of HOPE is unfolding.

How can you help create a story of HOPE ?

  • Donate to our mission
  • Volunteer to assist in one of our projects
  • Sponsor a case that touches your heart
  • Contact our Office for areas where help is needed

To donate specifically to this cause ( assistance to Venezuelan refugees in Colombia) please click on the “donate” button below:

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