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Reaching out to Venezuelan Refugees in Colombia- People helping people

The BORAH Charity organization reaches out to Venezuelan refugees in Bogota, Colombia, lighting the their lives with some hope. The BORAH Charity organization coordinator for the Bogata Area in Colombia , Nasly Del Carmen Viloria de Arco reports: < br /> On Sunday, September 23, 2018, the first donation to Venezuelans in Bogota took place at the El Salitre ground transportation terminal. With support from the BORAH Charity Organization and its team of volunteers (Nasly, Miriam, Jolber, Maryori, Esteban, Margelis and Duvis, who arrived at this place at 11:59 with the following: food such as: boxed milk, boxed juices, bread, mortadella, yogurt, oatmeal, biscuits, butter, personal hygiene items such as bath soaps and laundry detergents, shaving sticks, cotton swaps, toothpaste, toothbrushes, toilet paper, moist wipes and deodorants.

The volunteers were touched by the sadness on the faces of the people they saw: children, pregnant women, women heads of household, the elderly… !

The volunteers were touched by the sadness on the faces of the people they saw: children, pregnant women, women heads of household, the elderly, young people with nowhere to go, without work, having to sleep in the open air, exposed to the cold of the night with little shelter, being discriminated against by many people here. We had the opportunity to hear about their journey to Colombia; many came walking from Venezuela for many days to get to Colombia, with blood blisters on their feet. Most of them have left their families and work in Venezuela to try to survive. . .

 Venezuelan refugees in Bogota, Colombia They arrive in Colombia without knowing what to do next or where to look for help. I was touched when two young Venezuelan women approached me to ask some money to buy a bag of candy to resell in order to have a little money and so buy some basic items. What we saw of these people was very touching. We finished the delivery at 2:10 p.m. and then shared a snack while talked over our experiences on this today. We are deeply thankful to God, and also to Borah, Wisdom Adio. and all the team of volunteers who made this noble Cause possible.

“We unite the world with Love”

Report in Spanish
Siendo el dia domingo 23 de septiembre del 2018 se llevo a cabo la primera jornada de donacion a Venezolanos en Bogota que se encuentran en el terminal de transporte terrestre El Salitre. Con apoyo de la Fundacion BORAH y su equipo de voluntarios (Nasly. Miriam. Jolber. Maryori. Esteban. Margelis y Duvis. Quienes llegaron a este lugar a las 11:59 con lo suguiente: alimentos como: leche en cajas. Jugos en cajas. Pan. mortadella. Yogurt. Avena. Galletas. Mantequilla.

Tambien articulos de aseo personal como: jabones de baño y de lavar ropas. Cuchillas de afeitar. Copitos jhonson. Pasta dental. Cepillos de dientes. Papel higienico. Toallitas humedas. Desodorantes. Tambien cobijas. Y ropas. Fue muy impactante para los volintariis ver a estas personas con un rostro triste. Niños. Mujeres embarazadas. Mujeres cabezas de hogar. Ancianos. Jovenes sin tener a donde ir. Sin trabajo. Tener que dormir al aire libre. Exponiendose al frio de la noche con poco abrigo. Siendo discriminados por muchas personas aca

Fue muy impactante para los volintariis ver a estas personas con un rostro triste. Niños. Mujeres embarazadas. Mujeres cabezas de hogar. Ancianos. Jovenes sin tener a donde ir. Sin trabajo. Tener que dormir al aire libre.

. Tuvimos oportunidad de escuchar terstimonios de su llegada a colombia. Muchos se vinieron caminando desde Venezuela por muchos dias para llegar a Colombia con ampollas de sangre en sus pies. La mayoria han dejado a su familiares pasando trabajo en venezuela para tratar de sobrevivir. Llegan a Colombia sin horizontes. Se acercaron mujeres venezolanas a pedir un poco de dinero para comprar una bolsa de cofites y venderlos para tener un poco de dinero y asi comprar algo basico . Mostramos imagenes impactantes de estas personas.

Terminamos la entrega a las 2:10 p.m. y luego compartimos un refrigerio e itercambiamos ideas de nuestra experiencia vivida hoy. Agradecemos profundamente a Dios. A BORAH . a Wisdom Adio . y todo el equipo de voluntarios para que se hiciera posible esta Noble Causa.

“Unimos al mundo con Amor”

Through the help of BORAH a story of HOPE is unfolding.

How can you help create a story of HOPE ?

  • Donate to our mission
  • Volunteer to assist in one of our projects
  • Sponsor a case that touches your heart
  • Contact our Office for areas where help is needed

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